I Am The FireКогда нога твоя ступит на сцену - открой сердце, и пусть пламя вырвется. Танцуй не телом, но огнем, ревущим в венах.
Ты знаешь цену. Но когда жар стелется вокруг, когда твоя легкая поступь высекает искры - что тебе до цены, гореть, гореть до последнего, пока тело не рассыплется в пыль и горячий пепел. Танцуй. Больше огня, больше свободы и радости!
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Am I brave enough?
Am I strong enough?
To follow the desire
That burns from within
To push away my fear
To stand where I'm afraid
I am through with this
Cuz I am more than this
I promise to myself
Alone and no one else
My flame is rising higher
I am the fire
I am burning brighter
Roaring like a storm
And I am the one I've been waiting for
Screaming like a siren
Alive and burning brighter
I am the fire
I've been sacrificed
My Hearts been cauterized
Hanging on to hope
Shackled by the ghost
Of what I once believed
That I could never be
What’s right in front of me?
I am the fire
I am burning brighter
Roaring like a storm
And I am the one I've been waiting for
Screaming like a siren
Alive and burning brighter
I am the fire
I don't believe I'll fall from grace
Won't let the past decide my fate
Leave forgiveness in my wake
Take the love that I've embraced
I promise to myself, me and no one else
I am more than this
I am the fire...
I am the fire
I am burning brighter
Roaring like a storm
And I am the one I've been waited for
Screaming like a siren
Alive and burning brighter
I am the fire
I am the fire