28.01.2016 в 11:38
Мне как вчера донесли травы, так до сих пор не отпускает... ) URL записиАнглийский текстHinach Yafa
In my bed its already week I search
The one my soul love
And I couldn’t find him
I search in all the streets of the
Full lies city
And I couldn’t find him
The guards who surround the city
Found me
But my love..i couldn’t find him yet
I will not let him go
Till I will bring him to my city
To mother house to my room To my bed
u have been so beautiful my wife
and your lips r scarlet string
your tooth r white as the light of the moon
Who is coming up from the desert
From a faraway land Carried by a big bird
Arriving to my house
La la la la la..
In my bed its already week I search
The one my soul love
And I couldn’t find him
I search in all the streets of the
Full lies city
And I couldn’t find him
The guards who surround the city
Found me
But my love..i couldn’t find him yet
I will not let him go
Till I will bring him to my city
To mother house to my room To my bed
u have been so beautiful my wife
and your lips r scarlet string
your tooth r white as the light of the moon
Who is coming up from the desert
From a faraway land Carried by a big bird
Arriving to my house
U have been so beautiful my wife
I’m getting mixed inside your eye which
Burning me as a tongue of fire
Who is coming up from the desert
From a faraway land Carried by a big bird
Arriving to my house
Мой перевод:
Уже неделю мечусь я в постели своей –
Ищу тебя, душа моя, любовь моя,
Но не могу найти
Брожу по улицам города, полон он,
О, полон град мой,
Но, любовь моя, не найду тебя.
Стражи на стенах нашли меня,
Но тебя не найду, любовь моя.
Не отпущу его, не отпущу, пока
Не приведу его в град свой,
В дом свой, в постель свою не приведу.
Ты прекраснейшая в женах, губы алые,
Белизной сияет улыбка, словно серп луны.
Кто же сквозь пески летит ко мне,
На крыльях птицы огромной летит к дому моему?