oh dear, you don't say so)) I don't believe in roses without thorns, not any more)) but, as long as there are people who love you in any state of mind, it doesn't matter))
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Sunset Vagrant, I was just thinking, as I ride home, that again and again I fail to appreciate those who love me as much as they deserve. I think that It I'm not yet strong enough to bear the fullness of light within. That makes me sad.
Orlando LouLle, I understand. But don't worry - it's not about inner light. As we both know, love cannot be ruled, or ordered, or bended to submission. No one can be loved just because they are nice, or kind, or clever, or beautiful, etc. Love is a wonder, an elenent, a mystery... So, I become thinking that miriads of fails in love just make every single happy case more precious.
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Sunset Vagrant, Oh, but I take no notion of love to a single person here. When I say "loved ones" I mean multiple, not singular. I think about great power of light and love - in all possible forms - flowing between people. I think about acceptance and appreciation - but not about obsession with feelings to a single person that consumes mind and heart. Nah, I'm far past the stage of closing up on one relationship, no matter how dear this relationship may be.
Orlando LouLle, I didn't speak about just single person, just about single case with a certain person in a certain moment of your life. For someone it may be trully the one and only; for other one - the whole world, I can imagine this, if not share. But as for me, even in the last case it could be determined as a sum of precious unique relatitonships and moments of life, and mutual offering and accepting)
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Sunset Vagrant, Well, I am agree about the sum of uniqness and precious moments... Also I think, that it is up to be to build these relationships and create those moments. There is no guilt or fear - when your steps are light, joy walks hand in hand with you.
No one can be loved just because they are nice, or kind, or clever, or beautiful, etc.
Love is a wonder, an elenent, a mystery...
So, I become thinking that miriads of fails in love just make every single happy case more precious.
I think about acceptance and appreciation - but not about obsession with feelings to a single person that consumes mind and heart. Nah, I'm far past the stage of closing up on one relationship, no matter how dear this relationship may be.
There is no guilt or fear - when your steps are light, joy walks hand in hand with you.